For some time, work has been quietly going on behind the scenes to establish an additional website that would take more of an outreach approach. That site has been developed and is now operational.
The site is LeadingToLife.org. Over the years we have accumulated a wealth of material that has been tucked away on TheFathersCall.org website that most people were unaware of unless they diligently searched for it. LeadingToLife is an initiative of TheFathersCall and brings that reservoir of material to life by presenting it as individual building blocks that help lead to a better life – a spiritual life. It is meant to be helpful to member and casual reader alike.
The site is a work in progress and we encourage site visitors to use the “Contact Us” page to share any comments and recommendations.
Brian Orchard
On a personal note: This week I received a clean bill of health from my Pulmonologist. He said the lungs are 100% normal and there is no scarring. Gillian and I deeply appreciate your prayers and concern over the past few months. This outcome is clearly from God and we continue to pray for others still enduring severe health trials.