Herb VanCuren
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Herb Van Curen encourages us to keep the big picture in mind, hold fast the faith despite cultural currents, appreciate the beauty of God’s purpose, and endure to the end.
Our journey started with a seed planted in our lives by God. Daily trials are the steps by which we advance, culminating in the giant leap into spirit life in God’s Kingdom. We progress by relying on God, and resisting the temptation to give up.
Yet the journey is long. We anticipate the Kingdom coming soon, and so we should. When life goes on, and expectation is disappointed, do we grow weary?
The Holy Days pull us back from the microcosm of our personal problems, and lift us up to view the beautiful spectrum of God’s purpose. Ask for help to comprehend and appreciate it. We are a fabric that Christ is weaving together for the Father’s purpose. We are joined to each other, and to His plan. He will faithfully accomplish that work.
We battle against a powerful foe. Christ withstood the same enemy by faith. Join closely to God through faithful obedience, assembly, and humbly seeking Him and following his Son. Stand still and see the salvation of the eternal. We will be persecuted and tempted to break us away from God. Do not give up your birthright for the bowl of stew the world offers us.
Mark 4:11 β culture β history β faith β Kingdom of God β hold fast β trials β parable of the sower β Matthew 13:11-17 β hope deferred β endurance β weary in well-doing β hold fast β faith once delivered β faith β reliance β Psalm 119 β plan of God β moon-shot β Manson β Woodstock β cultural revolution β survivors β salvation β spiritual warfare β Holy Spirit β Revelation 12:15-17 β Adversary β persecution β Revelation 3:10 β apostasy β tribulation