Cliff Veal
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Mankind despises God and goes his own way. So God gives them up to unrighteousness, and we see the results every day. God does not take us out of that environment, because it helps us comprehend the distinctions between the two trees.
Even those who give lip service to worship of God are often only marginally committed. We are rich, comfortable, well-versed in the Bible and true doctrine, and over confident. God will vomit such spiritual mediocrity out of His mouth. Pray for Godβs eye salve that you may clearly see yourself in relation to Christβs perfection.
Godβs way is excellent, symbolized by precious jewels, luxurious ointments, and fine raiment. He wants that kind of excellence for us β in all things. First and foremost, this excellence must be spiritual; excellency of thought and action. God is revealing these things to us daily. We must covet Godly excellence with fervency like God desires it for us. If we do, our Father will perform miracles to realize it on our behalf.
Elders are to be temperate, sound, hospitable, able to teach, generous, and gentle. The same standards apply to all of us, and require that we strive. Who are you? Are you excellent? Is your word your bond? Are you dressed respectfully? How is your speech? Are you caring for your health, your garden, your home, and your environment?
Godly standards cannot be achieved without Godβs involvement. Ask for it. Strive to achieve the stature of the fullness of Christ.
Heart β deceit β heart of flesh β heart of stone β transformation β change β Romans 3:23 β 7:24 β sin β Ezekiel 18:21 β overcoming β justification β righteousness β standards β morality β thankfulness β purpose β Matthew 24:48 β living in the world β John 17:15 β trials β tribulation β terrorism β Romans 1:20-22 β I Corinthians 13:10 β see in a glass darkly β in the world not of the world β Revelation 3:14 β lukewarm β Laodicean β I Corinthians 12:31 β Philippians 1:10 β Exodus 25:1 β 31:3 β Revelation 21:10-16 β I Corinthians 10:31 β Philippians 2:5 β excellence β I Corinthians 12:31 β Philippians 1:9 β Ecclesiastes 9:10 β whatever your hand finds to do β Proverbs 22:29 β diligence β stand before kings β I Corinthians 14:40 β decently and in order β Matthew 5:48 β Philippians 2:3 β selfish ambition β conceit β James 3:17 β I Timothy 3:1-7 β reputation β rapport β appearance β representation β speech β dress β stewardship β Ephesians 4:13