Marshall Stiver
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Friendship is a crucial provision for the elect in waging spiritual warfare. In prophesies of end-time events, the Bible divides humanity into two groups; “the elect” and “all flesh”. The elect is comprised of those who are called by God. Much is required of them; judgement is on that “house of God” today.
This elect is fighting for life against the Destroyer. In this war, Christ emphasized that His disciples should love one another. We, God’s elect, need each other. This spiritual flock is a safe haven to protect and restore us in the middle of a spiritual battlefield. We are to care for each other as brothers.
β’ Pursue relationships with God’s elect, wherever they are. In fellowship, discuss unity and oneness in the Spirit. Express love toward those whom God has called and whom Christ considers His friends.
β’ Choose friends carefully. Friendship with the world is enmity toward God, so be with those God has chosen. Ultimately, the friends we choose take us down a path that will make us either God’s friend or His enemy.
β’ Give and receive faithful wounds, sharpening iron together. Correct and exhort in love, face to face, and in private. This is watchful care.
β’ Give and support each other in love. Self sacrifice and loyalty to God’s will are hallmarks of Godly friendship.
These are God’s people, who go forth eagerly together in response to the trumpet blast, to fight and win the spiritual battle.
Matthew 24:21 β John 14:1 β 1 John 13:33 β Leviticus 23:24 β end time events β the elect β the ecclesia β trumpets β shofar β prophecy β second coming β Kingdom of God β 1 Thessalonians 1:1 β living examples β overcoming β judgement β friendship β Ecclesiastes 4:7 β flock β Proverbs 18:24 β community β brotherhood β James 4:4 β fellowship β fidelity β faithfulness β John 15:12 β Proverbs 27:17 β unity β Proverbs 17:7 β exhortation β correction β 1 Peter 5:6 β 1 Samuel 18:3 β 2 Samuel 1:25 β David and Jonathan β selflessness β loyalty to God’s will β jealousy β Malachi 3:13