We recently placed a new “About Us” on the website to provide more information about what was behind the formation of the Church of God, TFC. The concept of family style government in the Church is a challenge for most people. We are attempting, as part of the body of Christ, to align with the Father and Christ rather than with an organization.
The following is the conclusion to an article written by Herbert W Armstrong in 1939. You may find the ideas he had at that time of interest in the light of family style governance:
Brethren, let us have the kind of co-operative FELLOWSHIP, based on LOVE, that was practiced by the early saints, as recorded in the Book of Acts. Let us work together, in unselfish effort to GIVE of the Gospel truth to the world — to GIVE of the “waters of life” to as many precious souls as we can reach — to GIVE out the last warning message with great POWER!
But let us drop all effort to BUILD UP A MOVEMENT or AN ORGANIZATION. Let us quit working FOR organizations, and work FOR THE LORD — and the salvation of souls!
What has split and divided up the saints in the Church of God? Nothing but ORGANIZATION — which has led to politics, ministers lusting for rule and for power — striving against each other, lining up the brethren on THEIR side, against the other! It is SUCH PREACHERS who have split up and divided our brethren!
God’s Word commands us to COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM, and be separate. God’s last warning is “COME OUT OF BABYLON!!”
Organization and church GOVERNMENT has brought us only strife, jealousies, division, bitterness! It is not of God, and it can bear no other fruit.
The CHURCH OF GOD needs more of the POWER OF GOD — more of HIS LOVE — of HIS HOLY SPIRIT, that the work may now begin to go forth IN MIGHTY POWER! We ought to be ASHAMED of the pitiful, puny, weak, feeble work that has split up and divided brethren, reached but so very FEW with the message, with almost no real conversions! All this, while leaders desiring power to RULE send out misleading, exaggerated, deceiving statements designed to convince tithe-payers that “the work is progressing.” What a mockery! What a tragedy! What a pity!
We praise God that many of the more-spiritual HAVE COME OUT! Let us obey GOD!
Good News – Feb/April 1939
Did Christ Reorganize the Church? Herbert W Armstrong
Brian Orchard