This week you may have noticed some changes happening to the website. At the conference we decided that our focus for the website development would be just one site for both members and any other interested people. So some tweaking of the site is in order since from the beginning the emphasis has been on communicating helpful information to church members. Now we feel the need to present the material on the site as seen through the eyes of new people with no particular church background. As part of this development, the weekly updates have been moved to the member section. The member area is for internal communication and by placing the updates there we achieve two purposes. Firstly, the update can be directed more toward in-house items as a means of communicating what is going on within the church. Secondly, it will allow us to use the more general material as a blog post when it is appropriate. This seems to be a more efficient way of maximizing the material and avoiding the duplication of having it appearing as a blog as well as in the update. You will still receive the updates as an email (if we have your current address) and we will continue to communicate that way as well.
More changes are being worked on at the moment and will be put in place after they have been evaluated. A team of volunteer helpers with various technical abilities contribute their skills in different areas. Mike McKinney has been asked to head up this team to coordinate and give focus in order to maximize effort. You will see some changes to the tabs to help new people navigate the site with greater clarity. There will be more brief blogs to give quick read overviews. We also hope to create some channels for guided/structured educational mini-courses that lead people through God’s plan and major doctrines. The articles would explain in more depth just what God is working out here below. The Holy Days lay out the plan of God and seem to be the logical place to start. Work is also being done on graphics and colors to add more interest and eye appeal.
So behind the scenes a lot is going on and we are very grateful for the dedicated efforts of these willing volunteers.
Warm Regards,
Brian Orchard