Brian Orchard The Captain of Our Salvation Salvation is a saving act of God and the deliverance from sin and it's penalty requires a Savior. On this first day of Unleavened Bread we focus on the role of Jesus Christ as our Savior. In fulfilling … [Read more...]
What God Wants From Us
Cliffton Veal What God Wants From Us God's Word is full of clear indications of what He wants from us -- how He wants us to be. Let's take a closer look at a scripture that sums it up nicely: Micah 6:8. … [Read more...]
Overcoming Sin
John Hinds Overcoming Sin Observing the Passover and the Days of Unleavened bread enable us to understand that overcoming sin is a life-time process that can only be accomplished by Christ living HIs life in us. … [Read more...]
Brian Orchard Longsuffering … [Read more...]
Christ, Our Servant
Bill Hutchison Christ, Our Servant The ultimate message contained in the Gospel is Our Father can take our mind that by some miracle lives within the confines of our physical gray matter between our ears and transform it into the immortal mind of … [Read more...]
A Gift of God
John Grabara A Gift of God … [Read more...]
Spiritual Maturity
Marshall Stiver Spiritual Maturity Christ said that many, who believe that they will be known by Him at His return, will not. He didn't say that it would be a few, but many. How could that be true? Well, believers know that God's intention for … [Read more...]
We Must Be A Doer
Scott Souder We Must Be A Doer Prior to the spring Holy Days we spend time deleavening our environment. While doing the physical act of deleavening we also evaluate ourselves. We look into ourselves with the desire to identify our short comings. … [Read more...]
The Importance of the Creation Sabbath
Brian Orchard The Importance of the Creation Sabbath The Sabbath is an important marker connecting man to God. The Sabbath forms a strong bond with God as Creator. It reminds us every week of God's ongoing creative work and our part in it. … [Read more...]
Is God Watching?
Ray Perez Is God Watching? God is very involved in our lives right now and later will be in the lives of all mankind. He had a 7-day plan for His physical creation. He has a 7-step plan for His spiritual creation based on the 7 annual Holy … [Read more...]
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