Robb Harris Prepared for Evil Committing ourselves to God (instead of ourselves) was the example Christ left for us and is a key in enabling the Spirit within us to grow and thrive. The permanence of achieving God’s praise and being part of His … [Read more...]
The Covenant Mind
Brian Orchard The Covenant Mind The covenant was the centerpiece of Jeremiah's message to the House of Judah. His prophecies convey the differences between a carnal mind and a mind formed by adherence to the covenant. … [Read more...]
The Church, Which is His Body
Brian Orchard The Church, Which is His Body It is without debate that Christ is the head of the Church. However, from a human point of view it is easy for physical aspects of the Church to get in between the body and the head. Using what Christ … [Read more...]
Dealing with Frustration
Tim Vail Dealing with Frustration It’s probably safe to say that we all experience the emotion of frustration from time to time. Whether the problem we are experiencing is small or large, frustration can eat away at us and lead to uncontrolled … [Read more...]
What Place Does God Have in Our Lives?
Cliffton Veal What Place Does God Have in Our Lives? In today's hectic world we all seem to be busy with so many things to do. We have to prioritize and determine what is really important. What place does God have in our lives? … [Read more...]
Oh,The Wonders He Performs
John Hinds Oh,The Wonders He Performs God performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted. God is at work in the lives of those He calls and often times we don't see His hand in the trials and difficulties we experience … [Read more...]
Conquering Rationalism
Bill Hutchison … [Read more...]
Godly Expectations
Jack Rector Godly Expectations In Micah God outlines His requirements for us, His expectations then are that we will fulfill them. … [Read more...]
Our Finest Hour
Marshall Stiver Our Finest Hour We live in a very defining, stress filed time. It could, however, become our finest hour. The stresses we experience and grow through, especially at the end of the age, are helping to define the very character of … [Read more...]
A Thanksgiving Offering
Scott Souder A Thanksgiving Offering What does it mean to give thanks? Is it simply to express gratitude or show appreciation? Kind or grateful thoughts? What if we reverse the words? We have thanks and giving. If we put them together we have … [Read more...]