Marshall Stiver What is the Holy Spirit? Many believe that the Holy Spirit is the third member of God's family. But is that what the Bible really says? Well, we can know and need to know exactly what the Holy Spirit is, because the … [Read more...]
Tough Times
Cliff Veal Tough Times There will be tough times ahead of us. How will we make it through? Let's see some of the things God's Word has to tell us in this regard. … [Read more...]
Flawed Humanity
Jack Rector Flawed Humanity Part of the process of overcoming is recognizing that we have flaws and approaching God in humility to ask for help in seeing them and the way to overcome them. … [Read more...]
Bill Hutchison Complacency Complacency is one of the greatest dangers for God’s people. Though Satan and the world are dangerous, complacency is worse because if we allow it a foothold in our hearts and minds, we do not have a fighting chance … [Read more...]
The Necessity of Trials
Bill Hendricks The Necessity of Trials Are trials necessary for Christians? Do they accomplish anything? Trials are one of the tools that God uses to help us grow in character and patience. … [Read more...]
The Collapse of Justice
Brian Orchard The Collapse of Justice Justice stands out as an integral aspect of God's system of governance. Christ will administer justice as He sets up God's government over the earth. Meanwhile man has rejected God's moral authority over him, … [Read more...]
Like Little Children
John Prohs Like Little Children God has called us to be His children. The Father-child relationship is very important to Him. So important that Jesus said that we will by no means enter the Kingdom of God unless we become like little children. … [Read more...]
Glorify God with Godly Furnishings
Gary MacPherson Glorify God with Godly Furnishings We are to glorify God and one way we do this is by the care we take with the calling God has given to each one of us. Both the Father and Christ want to dwell with each of us. They want to spend … [Read more...]
Making the Right Sacrifices
Justin Plagenza Making the Right Sacrifices Throughout the Bible, sacrifice is a central theme. Sometimes these sacrifices do not meet God’s standards, as in the story of Cain. Other times, these sacrifices are called good and show the faith of … [Read more...]
Spiritual Health Plan
Marshall Stiver Spiritual Health Plan The desire to have good physical health is practically universal. It is a keen desire. Spiritual health is something that many desire fervently. How is yours? If you want it to be better than it is right now, … [Read more...]
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