Marshall Stiver 10th Commandment Is the 10th Commandment the least of all the commandments and consequently mentioned last by God? Not hardly! It is perhaps the one that requires the greatest maturity of all - emphasis on perhaps. God knows. The … [Read more...]
How Can We Bless God?
Brian Orchard How Can We Bless God? Scripture informs us that we are to praise and bless God. How can we as humans bless God? There is a way, but it may not be what you think. … [Read more...]
Small Things Matter
Gary MacPherson Small Things Matter The seemingly little things we do everyday are important and can have a widespread effect. None of us are too small, insignificant or remote that God can't magnify the outreach and impact of our little … [Read more...]
Following Politics, Christ, or Both?
Bill Hutchison Following Politics, Christ, or Both? We are immersed daily in the world of politics. As revolting as politics are, it does affect our lives and livelihoods. The age old question is whether a Christian should involve themselves … [Read more...]
The Mind of a little Child
Bill Welch The Mind of a little Child In Psalm 131, King David conveys two frames of mind, one of which we should avoid and one we should embrace. One is natural to us and is exhibited in lofty, elevated opinions and thinking. The scriptural … [Read more...]
Why Do I Stumble and How to Overcome
Scott Souder Why Do I Stumble and How to Overcome We understand that the law is good, that it was given by God to help man to know how to live the right way of life. It can be summed up as love toward God and love toward our fellow man. But … [Read more...]
Truth or Paradigm?
Marshall Stiver Truth or Paradigm? Do you live by the truth of God or by paradigm - a popular or accepted body of thought? It makes a lot of difference in terms of our quality of life. Adam and Eve chose a paradigm - the knowledge of good and … [Read more...]
Lessons from the Life of King David: The Rise to National Prominence
Michael McKinney Lessons from the Life of King David: The Rise to National Prominence Like us, David’s life was marked by contrasts between what he should do and what he did do, between faith in God and a reliance on his own strength. So, like … [Read more...]
Acting Wisely with Compassion
Jim Sampson Acting Wisely with Compassion The blessings of the righteous ones are many with the coming of the Kingdom of God. One blessing we should never overlook is, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." This is a phrase … [Read more...]
Bill Hendricks Patience We see people around us getting more demanding and impatient day by day. Pentecost, which pictures God's plan concerning His firstfruits, focuses on the called out ones. One of the characteristics of those that are … [Read more...]
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