John Grabara Godly Ethnos God created a new ethnos - a new spiritual nation - at Pentecost following Christ's resurrection. We became a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. We are to proclaim God's praises to those … [Read more...]
At Appointed Times, Go Out
S Orchard At Appointed Times, Go Out God is creating His Kingdom - a masterpiece that is perfect in concept and in every detail. According to that purpose, He appoints times. When He brings them to fullness, we are forced to make uncomfortable … [Read more...]
Learning from the Book of Ruth
Jim Sampson Learning from the Book of Ruth Ruth's statement of "where you go I will go" is well known to all of us. Yet there are other important lessons in this short book for us all to learn and act upon. Let us not forget hidden in the … [Read more...]
Continue to Grow, Continue Forward
Scott Souder Continue to Grow, Continue Forward Often times when we complete a task that required planning and effort, or finished a hard project, or ran a difficult race, we are ready to take a break. We're ready to stop right … [Read more...]
Bill Welch Persistence in Prayer What is Joy from a biblical perspective? In Hebrews 12:1-2, the Apostle Paul provides important insight into this subject. In verse 1, he refers to those cited in Hebrews 11 as examples of patience in … [Read more...]
I Know Whom I Have Believed
Tony Garcia … [Read more...]
New Life Diet
Ken Vail New Life Diet One of the first things we must do to begin the process of overcoming sin is to admit we are sinners. Jesus Christ said that He did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. His willing sacrifice, … [Read more...]
Deception Through Pagan Tradition
Ryan Welsh Deception Through Pagan Tradition Though pagan traditions and symbols are accepted by most of Christianity in worshipping God, the results act to hide the truth of God's plan offered to all mankind. … [Read more...]
What Was Nailed to the Cross?
Bill Hendricks What Was Nailed to the Cross? Many christian groups and denomination hold to the belief that Jesus nailed the law to the cross. Their belief is that the law was a oppressive to mankind and when Jesus nailed it to the cross … [Read more...]
Corruption of Enoch
Ryan Welsh Corruption of Enoch The Bible states "Enoch walked with God three hundred years, and had sons and daughters. So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God … [Read more...]
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