Cliff Veal Three Essential Traits There are so many things that we need to work on in our lives as God works with us to prepare us for service. Let's take a look at three traits or characteristics that are essential: humility, diligence and … [Read more...]
Lessons from the Parable of the Virgins
Marshall Stiver The night is far spent and the day is at hand. Our adversary - Satan - is stirring up destruction all around the globe at a breathtaking rate. Now is the time to awake out of sleep! Christ gave us an amazing parable, the "Parable … [Read more...]
In the Regeneration
Brian Orchard As end-time prophecies unfold we are tending to live in an increasingly negative environment. Satan is a liar and the father of them, so our environment reflects those characteristics. This can develop a healthy skepticism if we … [Read more...]
Faith or Reason
Marshall Stiver Faith or Reason When Christ comes, will He really find faith on this earth? That is the question He posed at the end of the parable of the persistent widow. His question was directed to those who supposedly believed in God. Even … [Read more...]
First Step Principle
Marshall Stiver First Step Principle There is a principle that comes into play as we strive to overcome sin as it relates to the spirit of the law. It is called the First Step Principle. Everything has a beginning and sin is no exception. That … [Read more...]
Babylon, the Great Lie
Bill Hutchison Babylon, the Great Lie Satan is the father of lies. His greatest lie is Babylon, which is the false system of worship and economics foisted upon the world. Though the world believes the lie, the lie is the world's greatest … [Read more...]
There is a Generation
Brian Orchard There is a Generation There is much activity in the world around us. Most of it is not conducive to living God's way of life. What does God have to say about what is happening now and what does He expect us to do about it? God's … [Read more...]
Things We Can Learn in God’s Spiritual Family
Cliff Veal Things We Can Learn in God’s Spiritual Family We teach our children many things to prepare them for life. We are God‘s children and He is in the process of teaching us many things, too! … [Read more...]
Standing on The Rock
Brian Orchard Standing on The Rock The instability of these times demand that we, as God's people, build a strong, solid foundation. The eternal truths of God which He set in place from the beginning form the foundation which the Church stands … [Read more...]
The Battle for Your Mind
Michael McKinney The Battle for Your Mind There is a battle for your mind, and if you don’t know how that war is waged, you will lose. The battle for your future takes place inside your head. Not surprisingly, the Bible has a lot to say about … [Read more...]
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