Cliff Veal What Can We Do About Burnout? We live in a fast-paced, frenetic world. There are so many pressures on all of us. This can lead to a condition known as "burnout" -- a state of exhaustion which can occur both on the physical and … [Read more...]
Not of This World
Matt King Not of This World In the current political environment, Christians are encouraged and influenced more than ever to engage and support political agendas that are seen as aligning with their beliefs. As Christians, who we support … [Read more...]
A God-Like Worldview
Brian Orchard A God-Like Worldview A worldview can be regarded as a mental model of reality. Everyone has a worldview because man has a heart - an inner life, the seat of intellectual and spiritual life. Christ explained that out of … [Read more...]
The Fear of God
Marshall Stiver The Fear of God Do you fear God? (Are you in awe of Him?) Or are you in awe of yourself? Walking in awe of ourself can only result in choices that intensify stress in this age of terror that we live in. Walking in the fear … [Read more...]
The Purpose of the Law of Truth
Brian Orchard The Purpose of the Law of Truth The gulf between God's mind and the human mind as it has developed within the context of this world is great. Yet, through God's mercy that gulf can be breached. It is possible for a human mind to … [Read more...]
Lost Sheep
Marshall Stiver Lost Sheep Are you a lost sheep? Understanding what sheep are really like will help you to answer that question by coming to know yourself better. We share many characteristics with them and each characteristic reveals … [Read more...]
God with Us
Jim Sampson True Spirituality Our God is an all-powerful God. Whatever He wants to do, He can accomplish. He has established His plan to be with His people. He is working with the weak and foolish people of the earth now. God will dwell … [Read more...]
Joy – A Fruit of the Spirit
S Orchard True Spirituality Joy is a fruit of the spirit; it is required of us. The pursuit of pleasure is a temporary distraction that attempts to manufacture happiness through immersive stimulation. Solomon found all such human attempts … [Read more...]
Dwelling With God
Matt King Everything that God and Christ are doing is for the purpose of creating a family with which they can dwell. With that goal in mind, we should consider; Is God working to bring us to dwell where He is, or is He coming to dwell where … [Read more...]
Are Acts of Violence God’s Judgement?
Brian Orchard Are Acts of Violence God's Judgement? WHEN SINNERS DIE in random senseless violence or natural disasters, is it God's judgment upon them? As social adhesion crumbles and morality declines, it is tempting to say yes. It is … [Read more...]
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