True Citizenship
As we focus on thankfulness and the many blessings God has provided, we should not lose the perspective of the rich spiritual blessings which flow from God. It is a good time to reflect on the great truth God has shared with His people. God informs us that our citizenship is not of this earth. As future citizens of God’s Kingdom, we wait for Christ to return and establish that Kingdom over all nations and people (Philippians 3:20-21). Our attention and focus are on Christ, the Savior of mankind.
During His ministry, Jesus Christ not only proclaimed the coming Kingdom, but He also made very plain the separation between man’s systems on earth and God’s Kingdom to come. “…You are from beneath; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world” (John 8:23). If we are in Christ, then even though we live physically on the earth, we are also not of this world.
The Apostle Paul taught the Church that as the body of Christ they were drawn out from the power of darkness (this world) and transferred into the Kingdom of the Son (Colossians 1:13). As Jesus Christ said, “They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world” (John 17:16).
When Christ was being questioned by Pilate, He made it very clear that His Kingdom was not of this world and that His servants were not to actively engage in the kingdoms of the world (John 18:36).
Scripture makes it abundantly clear that the systems of worldly government are based on the Babylonian system established in the time of Nimrod. All nations of the earth, represented by the kings of the earth, have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication (Revelation 17:2). It is a system which opposes God and elevates the god of this world. A system we have no part in. “…Come out of her, my people…” (Revelation 18:4).
Let us not oppose God by thinking we can participate in both the systems of man and the Kingdom of God. There is great peace of mind in knowing that there is no authority except from God and that the authorities that exist are appointed by Him (Romans 13:1).
As the political pot bubbles and boils it can be very distracting as the powers that be often initiate rules and laws that impact our lives on earth. However, let us not be distracted from our true citizenship which is coming soon in its fullness. For this, we can be deeply thankful.
Brian Orchard