The Bigger Picture
We are all concerned about what is happening in the Middle East at this time. Where is it leading? What are the implications for the world at large? This week I was asked by a member to listen to a sermon given by a pastor of a non-COG church. It helped to underscore how important the identity of Israel is to us in understanding a larger world view.
In the course of his lecture, he consistently equated Israel with the Jews. Israel of today (Jews) are the redemptive people of God. He completely misses the fact that the Jews are only one of the tribes of Israel. Much of his historical knowledge was excellent and I found it very informative. However he failed to get the full picture when it came to prophecy.
He asked and answered the question: “How might any of this [Palestinian conflict] fit into biblical prophecy?” By focusing on the Jews as being Israel he saw the present conflict in micro terms. He used Ezekiel 38:1-6 to show that a confederacy between Russia and Iran will form in opposition to Israel. He misses the point that the setting for Ezekiel 38 is after the return of Christ and Israel is settled in peace in their land.
We need to keep a more macro view. If we keep Daniel 11 and Revelation 9 in the picture, we can see larger developments taking place. Firstly, there needs to be a king of the north and a king of the south. Present conditions are placing pressures on political entities such as the EU and the Arab nations. State elections in 2 major states in Germany resulted in a push back on so many immigrants in the country and a little more protective outward stance. Politically that is a move to the right. Are they looking for a strong leader? Are the Arab nations sensing the time is right to move more strongly to destroy the Jews?
Secondly, as we heard from Mr. Hutchison during the Feast, the alliance that will be formed is much larger than Iran and Russia. What was unthinkable a few years ago is now reality. China and Russia are already forming an alliance that will undoubtedly include Israel’s arch enemy, Iran. Note this current release from Reuters news agency:
>BEIJING, Oct 23 (Reuters) – Chinese and Russian companies attending a regional conference in northeastern China signed a raft of cooperation deals on Monday in sectors ranging from manufacturing and logistics to e-commerce and agriculture, Chinese state media reported.
The conference in Shenyang, the capital of Liaoning province, followed last week’s meeting in Beijing between Russian President Vladimir Putin and China’s President Xi Jinping. Russian local government officials, business representatives as well as nearly 800 Chinese companies hoping to enter the Russian market were attending the conference.
China has urged increased cross-border connectivity with Russia and deeper economic cooperation despite disapproval from the West after Russian forces invaded Ukraine last year, with northeast China – comprising the provinces of Liaoning, Heilongjiang and Jilin – gaining new strategic significance as a zone of bilateral trade and commerce.
In January to September, 40 Russian firms set up businesses in Liaoning, China’s national broadcaster reported on Monday.<
These details are not confined to Ezekiel 38. But they certainly make the two hundred million army of Revelation 9 a possible reality. If our view is confined to the Jews and Hamas, we may miss these much larger and important developments. The consequences of these confederations will impact Israel – the 12 tribes, not just Judah.
As we watch the war between Israel and Hamas, we are witnessing the beginnings of the destruction of greater Israel.
Brian Orchard
PS. If you are interested, the YouTube video mentioned can be seen at –
Just ignore his assertion that the rapture of the church takes place between Ezekiel chapter 38 and 39! But those with young adults in their family may want to play the portion of the lecture where he addresses getting behind causes. Some excellent points for all to consider.