Note: Holyday offerings should NOT be submitted online. Holyday offering envelopes will continue to be mailed to you and offerings taken up during services on the High Sabbaths or mailed in. The envelopes have the mail-in address conveniently printed on the front.
The Church of God, The Father’s Call accepts tithes and offering via mail, Zelle, and AnedotTM Online Payment Services.
If you prefer to hand-write and mail in your contributions, please feel free to do so. Mail contributions to:
Church of God
Post Office Box 5490
Pasadena, CA 91117-0490
Zelle is the preferred electronic method for donors within the United States. It incurs NO charges for either the donor or the church. Below are the steps necessary to use Zelle.
- Enroll in Zelle either through your bank or through the Zelle smart application which you may install on your smart phone. The instructions for enrollment are found either through your bank or the Zelle smart app.
- Once you are enrolled, you need to create a new contact for Church of God, The Fathers Call using the email address “”.
- Please be sure to specify in the Memo of each donation what your donation is for, i.e. 1st Tithe/Offering, Festival Fund, or 3rd Tithe/Member Assistance
For donors outside the United States, Anedot™ is the designated donation method but can be used in the U.S. as well. It tracks your contributions using your email address. If you do not use email regularly or are not comfortable with online payments, a mail-in contribution may be a better option (see above for address details).
Anedot™ accepts credit/debit cards, direct bank payments (ACH), PayPal™, Google Pay™, and Apple Pay™.