Ken Vail
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Mankind, through Adam, was allowed to choose between the way of get (tree of knowledge of good and evil) and the way of give (tree of life). He chose get, and placed himself into bondage to Satan. The resulting human quest for pleasure and self-gratification is never satisfied, and produces only destruction. Happiness is a by-product of right living according to Godβs instructions; serving one-another and obeying the law. This is an entirely new mindset, not merely a compliance checklist. Godβs way was properly modeled by Christ when He washed the feet of His disciples. He showed humility and love. So should we similarly serve in humility, with love, expecting nothing in return. Serve not for honor, reward, or increased self-esteem, but rather purely for the benefit of others. Humility produces honor and overcomes evil.
God is pleased when he sees His children helping each other. This demands that we crucify the carnal lusts of our natural hearts in the service of others, like Christ died for each of us. This is our job, and it surely demands physical labor and physical fruit. Through Godβs Holy Spirit, do good to everyone, especially our brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ.
hedonism β gratification β selfishness β way of get β vanity β lust β greed β deceit β human nature β Godly character β righteousness β love β outgoing concern β give way β bondage β law β family β Proverbs 21:17 β pleasure β Galatians 5:13-23 β liberty β service β Romans 13:8-14 β 1 Corinthians 9:19 β Matthew 20:25 β John 13:1 β happiness β pleasure β foot washing β 1 Peter 2:21 β Romans 12:1-3 β humility β Matthew 18:1 β 1 Peter 5:5 β living sacrifices β Mathew 6:1 β I Timothy 5:1 β 1 Corinthians 10:24 β self-seeking β Philippians 2:3 β Proverbs 15:33 β 18:12 β Romans 12:3-9 β Galatians 5:22-24 β Galatians 6:1-3 β Ephesians 5:16 β good works β redeeming the time β fellowship β Genesis 18:3 β Matthew 13:3 β attentiveness β respectfulness β encouragement β Proverbs 1:10 β friends β Psalm 1:1 β dress β listen β diligence β commitment