Bill Hutchison Trumpets - The Pivotal Event God the Father through His Son will bring about some very pivotal events upon all nations before and after Christ returns to the earth to begin the rule of the Kingdom of God. It’s important to … [Read more...]
The Misunderstood Fellowship
Bill Hutchison The Misunderstood Fellowship If we stand back and look closely at the Body of Christ at this present time, we’d all be hard pressed to see THE Fellowship that scripture defines. It is not about whether a man is Catholic, … [Read more...]
The Trinity
Bill Hutchison The Trinity The Catholic Encyclopedia states: "The Trinity is the term employed to signify the central doctrine of the Christian religion — the truth that in the unity of the Godhead there are Three Persons, the Father, the … [Read more...]
The Place of Safety
Bill Hutchison The Bible states that there is a “prepared” place where the Church will be nourished for 3.5 years, a place of safety. Two scriptures may indicate where this “place” is, however, it is not a place anyone would ever desire to … [Read more...]
The Heart of a Volunteer
Bill Hutchison The Heart of a Volunteer Lt. Col James Doolittle, who led the retaliatory bombing strike on Tokyo in the Spring of 1942, stated, “There is nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer.” 80 men were willing to give their … [Read more...]
Hope Against Hope
Bill Hutchison A clearly defined hope, based in scripture, is one of the most important needs of God’s people. We should be so grounded in our hope that we can give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope that lies within us. But … [Read more...]
Walking in the Presence of God
Bill Hutchison … [Read more...]
70 Weeks Prophecy
Bill Hutchison 70 Weeks Prophecy Daniel 9:24-27 known as the Seventy Weeks Prophecy, is universally understood by scholars and commentaries to cover a period of 490 years during which 6 events written in verse 24 would be fulfilled by the … [Read more...]
Choose Life
Bill Hutchison Choose Life The Big History Project teaches 6 origin stories, 5 of which have a commonality based in the worship or awe of the universe, of creation itself. Only one, the Judeo-Christian story, the “Tradition of Genesis,” when … [Read more...]
The Scepter
Bill Hutchison The Scepter When God told Abraham in Genesis 22 that in his seed all mankind would be blessed, He was speaking about a kingly line which would produce the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Through unconditional promises, God guaranteed … [Read more...]