Cliffton Veal What Place Does God Have in Our Lives? In today's hectic world we all seem to be busy with so many things to do. We have to prioritize and determine what is really important. What place does God have in our lives? … [Read more...]
Are We Becoming Holy?
Cliffton Veal Are We Becoming Holy? God wants us to be holy, righteous and good. That depends on how we internalize and follow His law -- from the heart. Are we becoming holy? … [Read more...]
Prepare for the Feast
Cliffton Veal Prepare for the Feast The Feast of Tabernacles is an important time of the year and a Holy Day season full of meaning. It is a time during which another step in God’s tremendous plan of salvation for mankind comes alive. Let us … [Read more...]
Teachers in the World Tomorrow
Cliffton Veal Teachers in the World Tomorrow As we go through what can sometimes be seen as the "difficulties" of our daily lives, we need to keep in mind that we are presently learning so that we can later impart lessons to others. God is giving … [Read more...]
Away From Self and Toward God
Cliffton Veal Away From Self and Toward God As human beings we tend to get wrapped up in ourselves from time to time. The more we concentrate on self, automatically, the less we will be concentrating on God and the things of God. In Romans 12 Paul … [Read more...]
Making Wise Decisions
Cliffton Veal Making Wise Decisions There are a few things that we need to consider and/or do each time we have an important decision to make. If we are not diligent, we could end up making the wrong decision. Let's review some of those things … [Read more...]
In-Attentional Blindness
Cliffton Veal In-Attentional Blindness In life we will focus on different things at various times. Is or attention directed to the most important things in life. If not, we may become blind to some vital areas in our walk with God. … [Read more...]
What God Wants From Us
Cliffton Veal What God Wants From Us God's Word is full of clear indications of what He wants from us -- how He wants us to be. Let's take a closer look at a scripture that sums it up nicely: Micah 6:8. … [Read more...]
Satan Loves Doubt and Discouragement
Cliffton Veal Satan Loves Doubt and Discouragement Doubt and discouragement are somethings we wish we did not have to endure. But Satan loves them both and uses them to tear us down. We must work against that... with God's help. … [Read more...]
Do You Remember the Day?
Cliffton Veal Do You Remember the Day? There are many milestones in our lives that we can fondly think back on. Do you remember the day you were baptized? The enthusiasm, the joy, the commitment. Do we still remember the vital importance of … [Read more...]