Marshall Stiver The Generational Link to God Speaker: Marshall Stiver God's entire plan of salvation is about the development of family. The human family was intended by God to provide a continuous link to Himself. When that link is broken, … [Read more...]
The Basis of Godly Oneness
Brian Orchard The Basis of Godly Oneness God created the human family to be a reflection of the Elohim family. Humans are to become one with God as Christ and the Father are one. Christ said that it was the Father in Him that did a work. That same … [Read more...]
Father, Family and Pentecost
Brian Orchard Father, Family and Pentecost The absolute connection between the Father and the human family is epitomized by the God family. Pentecost is about the Holy Spirit and the work it does through Christ to produce a godly family. A family … [Read more...]
Paradise Restored
Marshall Stiver Paradise Restored The Feast of Tabernacles pictures a harvest of humanity into God's family and is immediately followed by an additional harvest pictured by the Last Great Day. Together, the harvest of mankind is huge. To … [Read more...]
He Gave Gifts To Men
Brian Orchard He Gave Gifts To Men Christ’s sacrifice is huge in terms of human salvation. Pentecost carries the plan of salvation forward in a very personal way. We are the recipients of His gifts. … [Read more...]
Being the People of God
S Orchard Being the People of God God’s people are part of a grand narrative arc. That story can’t be told without the ancient nation of Israel, which is an example we can study to understand how God works with His people. Israel was rescued from … [Read more...]
A Useful Tool
Robb Harris A Useful Tool If we assess our spiritual condition today, are we valued by God? Every tool has a purpose and function for a particular job. Similarly, each of us has a part to play in building the Family of God. But a tool on its own … [Read more...]
The Unleavened Elohim Family
Brian Orchard The Unleavened Elohim Family God's plan of salvation involves the reconciling of mankind to Himself. Those called now effectively become members of the Elohim family as Christ lives His life in them. This Church Elohim family is the … [Read more...]
God’s Eternal Focus
Brian Orchard God's Eternal Focus … [Read more...]
The Great Harvest of Family
Marshall Stiver The Great Harvest of Family As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are God’s ways higher than our ways and His thoughts, than our thoughts. We are continually learning more of God’s depth as we study His words and His ways. … [Read more...]