S Orchard Navigating Church Dichotomy Without Cynicism The Church of God presents a challenging dichotomy between what it claims to be and what it looks like. This is especially difficult for young people, prone to testing authority and … [Read more...]
The Collapse of Justice
Brian Orchard The Collapse of Justice Justice stands out as an integral aspect of God's system of governance. Christ will administer justice as He sets up God's government over the earth. Meanwhile man has rejected God's moral authority over him, … [Read more...]
Faith – A Family Matter
Marshall Stiver Faith - A Family Matter God and family are being targeted by the spiritual darkness of this world - Satan the devil! The minds, loyalties and desires of humanity are bring directed to a new god - the governments of men. Many in … [Read more...]
Focus and Direction for 2021
Brian Orchard Focus and Direction for 2021 At the end of a difficult year, we pause to reflect on the past seven years since TFC formed and refocus on the time ahead. The year ahead will not be any easier and we need to be focused on the work … [Read more...]
Law and Religion
Brian Orchard Law and Religion The nature of religion makes it difficult to define. We live in a society composed of many religious systems. That is, systems of belief developed by rational investigation of the supernatural. As antinomian doctrine … [Read more...]
Church Government Bible Study
Brian Orchard Time: 01:01:48 … [Read more...]