Gary MacPherson … [Read more...]
The Hope That Lies Within
Gary MacPherson The Hope That Lies Within We live in very bitter and divided time. There is much unrest all around and this can lead to great animosity between individuals. This unsettling of our social fabric can lead to despair and … [Read more...]
The Patience of The Saints
Brian Orchard … [Read more...]
The Cost of Hope
Robb Harris … [Read more...]
Rivers of Hope
Ben Orchard … [Read more...]
The Hope Problem
Ryan Welsh </center> … [Read more...]
A Future and a Hope
Brian Orchard A Future and a Hope The Physical world is deteriorating quickly. We live in it and must deal with it in terms of growing stronger spiritually to prevent it having any negative effect. We can do that by knowing exactly how God views … [Read more...]
The Gracious Heart Of God
Bill Hutchison The Gracious Heart Of God Repentance is more than the action of turning around or turning back. It involves converting our hearts. This procedure is not simply physical outpatient surgery, but a spiritual coronary bypass surgery … [Read more...]
The Hope of Israel
Brian Orchard The Hope of Israel The front cover of the current centennial edition of Foreign Affairs declares this to be an Age of Uncertainty. The Apostle Paul informs us that the just shall live by faith. Faith is built by the things that … [Read more...]
Possess Your Souls
Brian Orchard Possess Your Souls Christ encourages us to use patience to possess our souls. This He stated in the end of the age context of what would be happening to God's people as the world convulses. We are to be in control of our minds, such … [Read more...]