John Grabara What’s Love For? The purpose of this sermonette is to expound on Paul’s prayer in Philippians 1:9-1 . There are many scriptural descriptions of love. Paul tells us that he has a special desire for all the saints in Philippi. He … [Read more...]
John Grabara Kippur Kippur gives us a fuller understanding of atonement. It clearly tells us who “atoned” for sins. … [Read more...]
A Gift of God
John Grabara A Gift of God … [Read more...]
Rahab’s Faith
John Grabara Rahab's Faith One purpose of the Bible is to instruct us. Not only in theory, but in deed also. Therefore what we are told about Rahab is aimed at us, as is all of Scripture. And when we have the emphasis we have on Rahab over … [Read more...]
Waiting for the Consolation
John Grabara Waiting for the Consolation The Feast of Trumpets is a future event. How does it relate to the present? Luke chapter 2:22-38 shows us how we ought to live in anticipation of the return of Jesus Christ - the Consolation of Israel. … [Read more...]
Bread of Affliction – Bread of Life
John Grabara Bread of Affliction – Bread of Life Bread is called the staff of life. In the Old Testament unleavened bread was eaten during the Days of Unleavened Bread. It symbolized the affliction ancient Israel suffered in Egypt. In the New … [Read more...]
Buy the Land
John Grabara Buy the Land How are we to view what is happening around us? How are we to react to it? One purpose of the Bible is to leave us examples and the Book of Jeremiah is one such example. A survey of Jeremiah points out parallels between … [Read more...]
God of the Living
John Grabara God of the Living What happens after death? Some believe they go to heaven. Some believe you just stop existing, that there is nothing after death. The Last Great Day explains God's plan for all who ever lived. Christ explained that … [Read more...]
The Clouds of Heaven
John Grabara The Clouds of Heaven In this sermonette we’ll look at one theme of the Feast of Trumpets. It’s a theme that is repeated a number of times throughout the Bible. The theme we’ll review today is the theme of clouds. Just how do … [Read more...]
Render Unto God
John Grabara Render Unto God The Pharisees and Herodians sent a faction to test Christ by asking “Is it lawful to pay tribute to Caesar?” Christ’s answer stuns them. Not only is it lawful to render tribute to Caesar, but, more importantly, we … [Read more...]