Cliffton Veal Are We Becoming Holy? God wants us to be holy, righteous and good. That depends on how we internalize and follow His law -- from the heart. Are we becoming holy? … [Read more...]
The Comprehension of God’s Law
Bill Hendricks The Comprehension of God's Law God gave ancient Israel His law to live by to be an example to the world. Many people know those laws and say they understand them, but do they? Just knowing those laws is not enough to be able to … [Read more...]
What God Wants From Us
Cliffton Veal What God Wants From Us God's Word is full of clear indications of what He wants from us -- how He wants us to be. Let's take a closer look at a scripture that sums it up nicely: Micah 6:8. … [Read more...]
The Mind of the Spirit
Brian Orchard The Mind of the Spirit A mind of the Spirit is able to connect with God. It has the mind of Christ and can understand the full intent and meaning of the words Christ spoke. Through repentance we have been blessed with that mind. … [Read more...]
The Spirit of the Sabbath
Justin Plagenza The Spirit of the Sabbath Christ was challenged by the Jewish leaders of his time on His Sabbath observance. By looking at Christ's example of Sabbath observance, we can better understand what God expects of us. … [Read more...]
The Source of Morality
Brian Orchard The Source of Morality The human mind is capable of amazing things. However, when it is connected to the course of this world, it is capable of depravity. This mind has a strong desire for the love of the world. It is a power that … [Read more...]
The Purpose of Righteousness
S Orchard The Purpose of Righteousness The Church of God holds to law-keeping as a critical part of pursuing righteousness, as the Bible instructs. That’s good. But within that paradigm, it is easy to let righteous become an end, in-and-of-itself, … [Read more...]
Our Desire to Keep God’s Law
John Hinds Our Desire to Keep God's Law The Feast of Unleavened Bread is an open expression of our desire to keep God's law. … [Read more...]
First Step Principle
Marshall Stiver First Step Principle There is a principle that comes into play as we strive to overcome sin as it relates to the spirit of the law. It is called the First Step Principle. Everything has a beginning and sin is no exception. That … [Read more...]
Sin of Omission
Tim Vail Sin of Omission It’s easier to define the transgression of God’s law simply as doing something… the acts we commit, also known as sins of commission. But sin actually is broader in its scope because it also includes the concept of NOT … [Read more...]