Ben Orchard Two Laws Safe The three laws of robotics (also known as 'three laws safe') are well known for keeping humans safe from their mechanical creations. What laws has our heavenly Creator given to us to keep us safe? The first 5 books … [Read more...]
Navigating the World
John Hinds Navigating the World God's Law is holy, righteous and good and must be the foundation of our very lives. We are blessed through obedience to God's law which enables us to successfully navigate this sin filled world. … [Read more...]
Fulfillment of the Law
Tim Vail Fulfillment of the Law A central doctrine adhered to by most of modern Christianity is the belief that one of Jesus Christ’s primary reasons for coming to earth as a human was to fulfill the law, meaning that it was completed by Him … [Read more...]
For Our Good Always
Brian Orchard For Our Good Always God's law allows life to be regulated such that a person can live a way of life that is in harmony and unity with God. God's law is for our good always. … [Read more...]
Law and Religion
Brian Orchard Law and Religion The nature of religion makes it difficult to define. We live in a society composed of many religious systems. That is, systems of belief developed by rational investigation of the supernatural. As antinomian doctrine … [Read more...]
God’s Expansive Law
Marshall Stiver Time: 01:00:22 Time: 01:00:22 … [Read more...]
The Law of Love
Marshall Stiver Time: 00:43:34 Time: 00:43:29 … [Read more...]