John Hinds Oh,The Wonders He Performs God performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted. God is at work in the lives of those He calls and often times we don't see His hand in the trials and difficulties we experience … [Read more...]
Minister to the Body of Christ
S Orchard … [Read more...]
How to Fulfill Your Specific Purpose
Marshall Stiver How to Fulfill Your Specific Purpose … [Read more...]
Growing into Perfection
Robb Harris Growing into Perfection But between life and death we are given a time to grow. A season to build something that doesn’t decay and is instead lasting and eternal. This season begins by knowing our purpose in the family of God. Through … [Read more...]
In-Attentional Blindness
Cliffton Veal In-Attentional Blindness In life we will focus on different things at various times. Is or attention directed to the most important things in life. If not, we may become blind to some vital areas in our walk with God. … [Read more...]
The Gracious Heart Of God
Bill Hutchison The Gracious Heart Of God Repentance is more than the action of turning around or turning back. It involves converting our hearts. This procedure is not simply physical outpatient surgery, but a spiritual coronary bypass surgery … [Read more...]
Being the People of God
S Orchard Being the People of God God’s people are part of a grand narrative arc. That story can’t be told without the ancient nation of Israel, which is an example we can study to understand how God works with His people. Israel was rescued from … [Read more...]
A Useful Tool
Robb Harris A Useful Tool If we assess our spiritual condition today, are we valued by God? Every tool has a purpose and function for a particular job. Similarly, each of us has a part to play in building the Family of God. But a tool on its own … [Read more...]
God’s Purpose Will Stand
Brian Orchard God’s Purpose Will Stand By nature, God is a God of purpose. We can have confidence in the fact that what He says He will do, will be done. … [Read more...]
A Willing Horse II
S Orchard A Willing Horse II The process of training a mustang is a fitting analogy to God's work with us. A horse is given time to be trained, but is eventually judged. Similarly, we're taken out of the wilderness, given a good environment, and … [Read more...]