Gary MacPherson … [Read more...]
The Old Man
Brian Orchard The Old Man Scripture informs us that the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each for the profit of all. This means we each have a responsibility to contribute the fruit of the Spirit to the body. One way we do this is to … [Read more...]
Repentanceā¦ Do We Really Need It?
Ken Parks Repentance... Do We Really Need It? We are all aware of the corruption that can jump on or enter humankind. We have seen it displayed in a number of situationsā¦ how easy it is for humans to just let go and relay their true thoughts … [Read more...]
The Basis of Godly Oneness
Brian Orchard The Basis of Godly Oneness God created the human family to be a reflection of the Elohim family. Humans are to become one with God as Christ and the Father are one. Christ said that it was the Father in Him that did a work. That same … [Read more...]
Father, Family and Pentecost
Brian Orchard Father, Family and Pentecost The absolute connection between the Father and the human family is epitomized by the God family. Pentecost is about the Holy Spirit and the work it does through Christ to produce a godly family. A family … [Read more...]
A Keen Conscience
Marshall Stiver A Keen Conscience Have you ever done something wrong only to have it plague your mind until you ultimately felt compelled to take appropriate action? Such thoughts and actions arise from a keen conscience. Digest this message in … [Read more...]
Trials and The Master Potter
Gary MacPherson Trials and The Master Potter God is the Master Potter and we are the clay in His hands. He molds and shapes us through the various events within our lives to include the tests and trials we experience. Just as potter's clay goes … [Read more...]
The Gracious Heart Of God
Bill Hutchison The Gracious Heart Of God Repentance is more than the action of turning around or turning back. It involves converting our hearts. This procedure is not simply physical outpatient surgery, but a spiritual coronary bypass surgery … [Read more...]
Are We Kicking The Can Down The Road With Our Left Foot?
Ken Parks Are We Kicking The Can Down The Road With Our Left Foot? There are times in our walk with God, that we might fail to address certain spiritual growth opportunities. We can delay in overcoming them for a variety of reasons. Well today, let … [Read more...]
Repentance in the Millennium
Doug Horchak Repentance in the Millennium … [Read more...]