Bill Hutchison … [Read more...]
Resist the Devil
Tim Vail … [Read more...]
Changing Spiritual Polarity
Marshall Stiver Changing Spiritual Polarity The Day of Atonement represents the beginning of a dramatic switch in spiritual polarities. This world, for roughly the last six thousand years, has been running on spiritual negativity. Satan, the … [Read more...]
Satan Loves Doubt and Discouragement
Cliffton Veal Satan Loves Doubt and Discouragement Doubt and discouragement are somethings we wish we did not have to endure. But Satan loves them both and uses them to tear us down. We must work against that... with God's help. … [Read more...]
Marshall Stiver God/Satan/Reality How do you know if something is really real? Through the physical senses along with the physical reasoning of our minds on physical matters, we can come to understand physical reality. As exceptional as that is, … [Read more...]
Atonement of the Mind
Brian Orchard Atonement of the Mind A tragedy of life is that mankind is completely unable to have freedom of the mind, but that he believes he has such freedom. A classic Satanic deception. Satan, as the god of this world, has deceived all … [Read more...]
Atonement and the Role of Humility
Gary MacPherson Atonement and the Role of Humility Recent comments made at both the United Nations and the Clinton Global Initiative talk of a world "gridlocked in colossal global dysfunction", "in peril - and paralyzed", and a "world-on-fire". … [Read more...]
Bill Hutchison Complacency Complacency is one of the greatest dangers for God’s people. Though Satan and the world are dangerous, complacency is worse because if we allow it a foothold in our hearts and minds, we do not have a fighting chance … [Read more...]
Vanity and Pride
Cliff Veal Vanity and Pride Some of Satan´s characteristics we find repulsive and naturally avoid. Some we seem to take on with little resistance. We must be ever vigilant! … [Read more...]
A Righteous Strategy
Bill Hutchison A Righteous Strategy Satan is a super resourceful being with an evil strategy to derail our salvation. Therefore, we must have a righteous strategy to thwart his efforts. … [Read more...]