Scott Souder The Lamp of the Body In this message we look at The Lamp of the Body. Before we get there we briefly cover the ten virgins who had oil in their lamps. Five of which did not have enough and recognized their lamps were going out and … [Read more...]
Kings and Priests
Scott Souder Kings and Priests As we prepare to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles, we remind ourselves about this successive step in the Plan of God. We understand that the Feast of Tabernacles represents the millennial reign of Jesus … [Read more...]
When the Student is Ready
Scott Souder When the Student is Ready When I was asked by a friend to think outside the box, he told me: āWhen the student is ready the teacher will appearā. Out of curiosity I wondered where this saying came from. After searching through … [Read more...]
Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right
Scott Souder Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right We learn from an early age, that we are not to return a wrong for a wrong. In other words, just because someone does something bad to us doesn't mean we do something bad back. We refer to this as … [Read more...]
Building on the New Commandment
Scott Souder Building on the New Commandment As we draw close to the Passover we evaluate our lives. We seek to know and understand our shortcomings. We do this because we want to repent of them, seek forgiveness and draw closer to God. … [Read more...]
Parables are like Gold and Silver
Scott Souder Parables are like Gold and Silver Throughout His ministry Christ spoke in parables to illustrate spiritual lessons. Some people believe He did this to help people understand. But Christ himself told His disciples that, "It … [Read more...]
I Know You By Name
Scott Souder I Know You By Name We look at the word friendship. If asked to make a list, we could write down the names of our friends. What if another person were asked to write down the names of their friends? Would we be on it? A … [Read more...]
Centurions in the New Testament
Scott Souder Centurions in the New Testament The centurions mentioned in the New Testament are uniformly spoken of in terms of praise, whether in the Gospels or in the Acts. A Centurion was to be vigilant, temperate, active and … [Read more...]
Continue to Grow, Continue Forward
Scott Souder Continue to Grow, Continue Forward Often times when we complete a task that required planning and effort, or finished a hard project, or ran a difficult race, we are ready to take a break. We're ready to stop right … [Read more...]
We Are Ambassadors
Scott Souder We Are Ambassadors By reviewing how branding ambassadors are used as representatives to promote products and services we begin to understand the term ambassador. That they are chosen because of their reputation, style, and … [Read more...]