Marshall Stiver A Keen Conscience Have you ever done something wrong only to have it plague your mind until you ultimately felt compelled to take appropriate action? Such thoughts and actions arise from a keen conscience. Digest this message in … [Read more...]
The Captain of Our Salvation
Brian Orchard The Captain of Our Salvation Salvation is a saving act of God and the deliverance from sin and it's penalty requires a Savior. On this first day of Unleavened Bread we focus on the role of Jesus Christ as our Savior. In fulfilling … [Read more...]
Overcoming Sin
John Hinds Overcoming Sin Observing the Passover and the Days of Unleavened bread enable us to understand that overcoming sin is a life-time process that can only be accomplished by Christ living HIs life in us. … [Read more...]
How Do You View Sin?
Ray Perez How Do You View Sin? Removing sin from our lives is an ongoing task and battle for God's Church. It's amplified during the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread. Examining ourselves is crucial to this effort and must be done year-round. … [Read more...]
Removing Egypt From the People of God
Ken Parks Removing Egypt From the People of God The Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread are fast approaching. And if we go back several thousand years, we can see that Godās Word reveals the story of how God took Israel out of Egypt. … [Read more...]
A Servant Fit for the Kingdom
Ray Perez A Servant Fit for the Kingdom In Romans chapter 6, Paul describes living Godās way of life in terms of servitude. And there are 2 types of servitude: serving God versus serving sin. This message contrasts the two and discusses what it … [Read more...]
Ryan Welsh Liberty Today, for most, liberty is our right to live however āIā want. True Liberty is a choice, not to live however we want - enslaved by our nature - but the freedom to live a way that God calls āthe Way of Lifeā, no matter what … [Read more...]
First Step Principle
Marshall Stiver First Step Principle There is a principle that comes into play as we strive to overcome sin as it relates to the spirit of the law. It is called the First Step Principle. Everything has a beginning and sin is no exception. That … [Read more...]
Sin of Omission
Tim Vail Sin of Omission Itās easier to define the transgression of Godās law simply as doing somethingā¦ the acts we commit, also known as sins of commission. But sin actually is broader in its scope because it also includes the concept of NOT … [Read more...]
Deleavening – Lessons Learned From My Car
Gary MacPherson Deleavening - Lessons Learned From My Car We can learn spiritual lessons from many different sources if we are receptive. This year several spiritual principles were reinforced while deleavening my car. God desires spiritual … [Read more...]