S Orchard Symbolism of Trumpets The annual Holy Day called the Day of Trumpets is an annual reminder that Christ will return, defeat the armies of mankind, and establish His eternal Kingdom. We make the association between the commanded … [Read more...]
The Seals of Revelation
S Orchard The Seals of Revelation It's 2020. Are we staring down the barrel of the Apocalypse? It certainly feels like it. Examining Christ's Olivet Prophecy in tandem with Revelation 6 tells us a lot about what we can expect at the "end of … [Read more...]
Human Potential
S Orchard Human Potential Why are you here? Finding meaning in existence is a perennial human search. We invent all manner of belief systems to fill the void. Sadly, our self-prescribed religions, including whatās accepted as Christianity, … [Read more...]
Carry Your Canoe
S Orchard Carry Your Canoe Portaging a canoe is hard. Not only is it strenuous, but you canāt see where youāre going. Lacking a line-of-sight on the goal, one tends to give up. An effective solution is to send a few on ahead to complete the … [Read more...]
Chronology of the Crucifixion
S Orchard Chronology of the Crucifixion Christ and biblical prophecies concerning Him indicate that He would be three days and three nights in the tomb. It was to be the sign that He is the Messiah. Yet Christian practices surrounding Easter … [Read more...]
Christmas Trees: Authentic Worship?
S Orchard Christmas Trees: Authentic Worship? Christmas trees are a beautiful, warming tradition of the holiday season. Everyone seems to be aware of their pagan origins, yet few care. Should we care? It seems that Christ did. In His … [Read more...]
Godly Justice
S Orchard Godly Justice āDoing justiceā is a major theme of the Bible. God expects āthe saintsā to administer His Kingdom with justice, and even to judge angels. Do you and I DO justice? In mankindās system, whatever is legal is just. Laws … [Read more...]
The Helpful Word
S Orchard The Helpful Word Modern culture is increasingly permissive, perverse and crass. Nothing is off limits or inappropriate. Entertainment seeks to shock. Competing to be heard, we use more powerful and attention … [Read more...]
A Willing Horse
S Orchard A Willing Horse King David was described as a man after God's own heart. Why? Many of his actions are hard to reconcile with godliness. King Saul, conversely, did not please God. A clear distinction between … [Read more...]
God’s Plan Through the Annual Holy Days
S Orchard God's Plan Through the Annual Holy Days The Church of God possesses unique understanding of God's Plan of Salvation for all human kind through the observance of the annual biblical Holy Days. Meditating and discussing the meaning of … [Read more...]