S Orchard Inheritance: Land, Law & Kingdom Land is a central element of God's relationship with Israel. He uses land as an estate of inheritance to teach, to draw close, and to provide for His people. Yet the power of land in modern … [Read more...]
How to Get What You Want – Part 1
S Orchard Choose What You Want Wisely What do you want? The system around us promotes material circumstances as the means and the measure of happiness. Its an attractive trap. However, that which seems good to the human mind is not … [Read more...]
Prophetic Symbolism of Trumpets
S Orchard Prophetic Symbolism of Trumpets The Day of Trumpets is a beacon marking Christ's prophetic second coming. It is central to understanding the Plan of God as revealed by His seven annual Holy Days. Yet it's meaning eludes both Jews (who … [Read more...]
Seasonal Urgency
S Orchard Seasonal Urgency The physical environment of a home, like our spiritual environment, rapidly deteriorates into chaos if we neglect it. Seasonal changes variously enable and restrict what we can do to order and maintain … [Read more...]
Wife – A Help Meet
S Orchard Wife - A Help Meet Biblical instruction to wives conflicts with popular feminist sentiment. This friction distracts us from the profundity of God's design. The Apostle Paul magnified the wife's role as a model of our relationship … [Read more...]
Husbands – A New Creation
S Orchard Husbands - A New Creation God created man after His own likeness, and ordained marriage and sex as a sacred union. Through marriage, we learn to model the God-family relationship. The world is breaking down and marriage trends are … [Read more...]
Regard the Life of Your Beast
S Orchard Regard the Life of Your Beast Each and every one of God's laws and statutes has value for us. What can we take from Deuteronomy 25:4, which says "Do not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain"? The discipline of caring for animals … [Read more...]
Liberty – God’s Gift Through His Spirit
S Orchard Liberty-Gods Gift Through His Spirit This world, separated from God under Satan's rule, is oppressed. Creation groan's for liberty. We, the first fruits, have it, and commemorate that jubilee on the Holy Day of Pentecost. The physical … [Read more...]
At Appointed Times, Go Out
S Orchard At Appointed Times, Go Out God is creating His Kingdom - a masterpiece that is perfect in concept and in every detail. According to that purpose, He appoints times. When He brings them to fullness, we are forced to make uncomfortable … [Read more...]
The Axe of Judgement is Poised
S Orchard The Axe of Judgement is Poised The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree is not a story about redemption. It is a warning. God is a fierce, demanding and implacable judge. He has the fair and sovereign right to destroy whatever does not serve … [Read more...]