Tim Vail Substance of the Word How would you describe the “Word of God?” Is it history, knowledge, prophecy, or law? What is the substance of the word? From beginning to end, if you have the mind to see, it’s really a love story. If God is love, … [Read more...]
Who Is My Neighbor?
Tim Vail Who Is My Neighbor? … [Read more...]
Stepping out from the Corner
Tim Vail Stepping out from the Corner Through trials and obstacles in our lives, we can really come to feel trapped at times or “moved into a corner” with seemingly no way of escape. When that happens, look at the story of ancient Israel crossing … [Read more...]
Fall Festival Preparation
Tim Vail Fall Festival Preparation We focus intently on both physical and spiritual preparations before the spring Holy Day season. Do we do the same for the fall festival season? If we are not mindful, the focus can easily be more toward the … [Read more...]
Sin of Omission
Tim Vail Sin of Omission It’s easier to define the transgression of God’s law simply as doing something… the acts we commit, also known as sins of commission. But sin actually is broader in its scope because it also includes the concept of NOT … [Read more...]
Spiritual Pruning
Tim Vail Spiritual Pruning God chose to use the care of trees and their characteristics as analogies to our own spiritual growth and structure. Pruning is one of the techniques used to modify the tree as well as our character. What is spiritual … [Read more...]
Examining Our Assumptions
Tim Vail Examining Our Assumptions Within the framework of our relationships (with both God and mankind), we have a proclivity to make assumptions that often lead us to jump to incorrect conclusions, usually resulting in all kinds of trouble. … [Read more...]
Fulfillment of the Law
Tim Vail Fulfillment of the Law A central doctrine adhered to by most of modern Christianity is the belief that one of Jesus Christ’s primary reasons for coming to earth as a human was to fulfill the law, meaning that it was completed by Him … [Read more...]
Fulfilling the Needs of Others
Tim Vail Fulfilling the Needs of Others What do the people of this world really need? To answer, we can look at the example set by the God family. We have seen that the Father knows everyone’s needs. He knows them so well that He sent Jesus … [Read more...]
God’s Protection
Tim Vail God’s Protection How will God’s people fare in a dangerous world? The answer can sound like a paradox. We are told that we will suffer trials, troubles and even persecution. But God also promises protection for His people. God has His … [Read more...]