Brian Orchard
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This world is driven by Satan. He has driven man off the land, ravaged our families, led us into sin, and divided us from God. God will call manβs attention back through dreadful end-time events. Yet Satan’s deception is so intense that mankind will only harden in the face of correction. Humanity will ultimately accept Satan in place of God.
We are sold into slavery, and have no inherent power by which to free ourselves of this bondage. Satan has weakened our families and separated us from the land. His pride permeates our attitudes with self right-ness.
Yet God promises a Jubilee, sorely needed, by which to restore mankind to the land, to each other, and
to Himself. This “Atonement” means to bring together in agreement. All mankind will be reconciled. The land is a key part of God’s relationship with man. It is a vehicle by which God reveals Himself, blesses, and corrects. It constructs relationships among our families and with our Creator. The Jubilee year, announced on Atonement, thus returns us to the land.
Christ will deliver all of creation. The release is accomplished by sacrifice; that is the blood of the lamb. The children of God will be cleansed by this blood from their unholiness, and Satan will be driven out into desolation. Iniquity will be put back upon the head of it’s inventor. Imagine an entire world released from Satan’s crushing oppression!
Christ’s sacrifice is already available to us; He is our High Priest. We have the hope of His promises extended to all humanity; a remarkable time when Satan’s influence is removed. We fast to develop humility. Fasting is not an end of itself, but a tool to reveal our frailty, diminish our pride and self right-ness, and bring us into Atonement.
Jubilee β Blood Moon β Shmitah β Revelation 9:20, 12:9 β Satan β deception β Leviticus 25:8 β Seven Seals β end-time events β inheritance β land Sabbath β Leviticus 23:26 β Isaiah 59:2 β Leviticus 25:29 β Romans 6:16 β Ezekiel 39:23 β reconciliation β slavery β bondage β Isaiah 50:1 β Deuteronomy 28:49 β Isaiah 14:1-2 β Isaiah 14:12-17, 61:1 β Zechariah 3:9 β Jeremiah 50:19 β Luke 4:16 β Romans 8:18 β 2 Corinthians 5:21 β Hebrews 9:6, 10:10 β Atonement β Leviticus 16 β Hebrews 6:19, 8:1, 9:24 β fasting β James 4:6 β Revelation 20:1