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Trumpets – A Day of Solemnity and Joy
Scott Souder
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Trumpets – A Day of Solemnity and Joy
As we begin the fall festival season we are looking to the future. A time yet ahead of us. And we have confidence that this day, this specific day, referred to as the Feast of Trumpets will happen. That it represents the return of Jesus Christ. This day marks the beginning of the future final phases of Godās plan. This day is a day of solemnity and joy. It is solemn for what we are told will happen. And there is also joy because we are told what will happen. Jesus Christ will return to this earth. Solemn by definition means formal and dignified. Characterized by deep sincerity. And at the same time it is a day of joy. A day of singing and rejoicing.
In this message we will look solemnly back at a time Israel observed this day. It is found in the 8th chapter of the book of Nehemiah. How they were instructed in the law by Ezra. Much like we are instructed in the law today. And it struck them to the heart. Enough so that they wept. Then Nehemiah, Ezra, and the Levites told the people not to mourn or weep. This is a Holy Day. āGo and enjoy choice food and sweet drinksā. So the people went off and celebrated with great joy.
David too rejoiced on this day. The 81st psalm is a about singing praises to God. Making joyful noise to God. Beat the tambourine. Play the sweet lyre and the harp. Blow the ramās horn at the new moon. We too sing with joy the words of the 81st psalm on this annual Feast of Trumpets.