Marshall Stiver
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Marshall Stiver examines the role of βfatherβ; in modern society, and finds that the increasingly accepted irrelevance of men in the family structure has dire consequences. Unless the hearts of the fathers and children (both spiritual and physical types) are turned toward each other, God must strike the earth with a curse and there will be no elect. A right family relationship between ministers and members glorifies God and is a witness of His coming Kingdom.
Family structure is clearly explained in the Bible. A husband and father must model himself on Christ, and thereby sacrifice himself completely for his wife and children. Satan’s first attack on humankind circumvented Adam, and by this corruption dismantled man’s relationship with his Father. Ever since,
men have abused their God given role. The hearts of the children must be turned to their fathers, and the fathers to their children.
The role of a minister is like that of a father, and his relationship to the Church should reflect similar characteristics. The Church of God has breached that relationship between ministers and members. If we do not heal it, the Bible warns, there will be no elect! The God family is in perfect balance and
harmony, and both Father and Son need each other. Similarly, ministers and members should seek to be at one with each other, choosing to turn their hearts to each other. Only in this manner will we successfully model the relationship between God the Father and our elder brother Jesus Christ. Ministers may preach sound doctrine without God in the picture, if they are filled with their own will.
Rather ministers should be filled with Godly enthusiasm for His family. God’s faithful are social creatures, and they blossom under the loving care of a father and in fellowship with their brethren. The spiritual fathers of the church can facilitate a healthy family environment by yielding to God, and sacrificing themselves to do His will.
Members of the Church must also turn toward the ministry. We must not accept the wrong extremes presented to us by Satan to corrupt God’s family; that is, either regarding ministers as irrelevant, or seating them on Christβs throne. Lacking a right relationship with those spiritual fathers, the members grow anxious, wary, unhealthy, and disoriented. Don’t go it alone. Rather, model the God family in the Church.
Isaiah 5:20 β Genesis 1:26 β Ephesians 5:23 β Isaiah 1:2 β fatherhood β parenting β parent β fathers β family β wife β children β child β social structure β leadership β Acts 17:19 β John 8:37 β Romans 8:15 β Matthew 7:21 β zeal β enthusiasm β laodicean β tepid β following β yielding β Malachi 4:5-6 β I Corinthians 4:14, 11:1 β Ezekiel 4:1-5 β ministers β pastors β Matthew 5:14 β unity β Titus 1:5 β John 17:9 β Ephesians 6:10