Marcia Collum (on behalf of her son)
I'm asking for prayers on behalf of my son Matthew, for relief and healing from the OCD that he's suffering, which is detrimentally affecting and controlling every aspect of his life. The suffering and mental anguish is great and, at this point, … [Read more...]
December 17, 2022 – Building on the Foundation
Importance of Brotherly Unity How important are relationships within the Body of Christ? This question is prompted by the state of affairs in what we broadly refer to as “the world.” The world is a generic term for planet earth and all life on … [Read more...]
Philippines Brethren
October 29, 2022 - The central area of the Philippines has been hit by another powerful typhoon. Some of the brethren have been affected by flooding and heavy rain. Sabbath services were interrupted by electricity cut offs and, in some places, simply … [Read more...]
Frank Morris (Fresno CA)
7/30/2022 - With sadness we report that Frank died of heart failure last night. Frank's wife and family have never been part of the church, but cards of condolence might be appreciated from those who knew Frank. 7/29/2022 - Frank has suffered a … [Read more...]
Claire Gilless (CA)
June 3, 2022 - Thought I’d share the news of today’s oncologist’s visit … not good news but at least now we know what’s going on. So, after 2 CT scans, PET scan, robotic biopsy, endoscopic FNA (fine needle aspiration) and colonoscopy they have … [Read more...]
Human Sexuality
Test for TMP
2021 Children’s Choir Practice Video
"We Are God's Children" practice video. … [Read more...]