Over the weekend of July 15 -16, ministers and wives gathered in Denver, Colorado for a ministerial conference. It was an inspiring time of unity and cooperation as we discussed a range of topics including the Gospel, financial, ministerial and … [Read more...]
July 15, 2017 Update
Greetings everyone, Christ spoke of what world conditions would be like at the end of the age in Luke 21, one of the gospels accounts. He spoke of false Christs, war among earth’s nations, earthquakes, famines, pestilences, signs in heaven and … [Read more...]
July 8, 2017 Update
Greetings, King David declared that God’s law made him wiser than his enemies and gave him more understanding than his teachers (Psalm 119:98-99). He saw the law as the source of truth and that truth provided great peace. These are powerful … [Read more...]
July 1, 2017 Update
Greetings, It is ever so human to allow adversity in our lives to cause us to doubt. Especially to doubt our relationship with God. “Surely if I were in good standing with God, this adversity would not be happening. God must not be pleased with … [Read more...]
June 24, 2017 Update
Greetings, What does time mean to you or me? What did it mean to people in Noah’s or Lot’s day? A minute would have been 60 seconds; an hour would have been sixty minutes; a day would have been twenty-four hours, etc. They would have had their … [Read more...]
June 17, 2017 Update
Greetings, Cliff Veal is currently on a trip to Africa and Madagascar. He has already been with brethren in Rwanda and was happy to report that one of our members there, Kakuze, who had been operated on for severe gall bladder problems last year, … [Read more...]
June 10, 2017 Update
Greetings, Context is important when studying the Bible as we all know. Word usage generally is helped when a context is clearly understood. Such is the case with the Greek word ekklesia. We use this word within the church context and it is … [Read more...]
June 3, 2017 Update
The nation of The Philippines presents the picture of a country of conflicting perspectives. The archipelago was claimed for Spain by Ferdinand Magellan in 1521. The original name was changed to Las Islas Filipinas in honor of Philip II of Spain in … [Read more...]
May 26, 2017 Update
Who Am I? You may know me. I'm your constant companion. I'm your greatest helper; I'm your heaviest burden. I will push you onward or drag you down to failure. I am at your command. Half the tasks you do might as well be turned over to me. I'm … [Read more...]
May 20, 2017 Update
The Blue Bells of England and Hope England in the spring is a sight to behold. The weather in general in this part of the world is known for being rainy, often cool and generally not very inviting. That is all true, but it does have an upside. … [Read more...]
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